The Defection of (JR)
Cleveland Valrey Jr.
Free ‘em All! First and foremost I would like to preface this position paper with an acknowledgement of revolutionary appreciation to comrades, supporters as well as to the people in general. We commend the various acts of revolutionary discipline that have been displayed by so many forces in response to the timing of exposing and expressing how the contradiction(s) at hand has effected a number of different arenas in a myriad of communities.
I, along with the organization that I represent, have exercised restraint in regards to any response dealing with this matter. A restraint that has weathered the storm of reactionary statements, falsehoods being hurled at both myself as well as, a number of individuals and organizations, including that of the POCC/BPPC (Prisoners Of Conscience Committee/Black Panther Party Cubs). A restraint that in which some cases caused for critics, many of which I respect and take their criticism to heart. Criticism that inquired were we (The Cubs) at minimum leaning towards liberalism surrounding something that has continuously caused concern in various sectors…that being the destructive behavior of JR Valrey.
In some sense of the word, it could be very well said that I/we let this contradiction “sit” for a minute, in order to see who, what, when where and why forces align. The late comedic genius Richard Pryor was referred to as a “peopleologist”, a position that I too attempt to pattern myself after, in some sense. Fellow Panther Cub Tupac Amaru Shakur poetically put it as the “Heartz of Men” in reference to the callousness that he witnessed with individuals in a time of crisis. The peoples’ organizations has and shall always face internal as well as, external contradictions: non antagonistic as well as antagonistic respectively. We have seen, engaged, and waged a number of struggles. We have and we will suffer consequences which we view as simply stages of the struggle as well as ways in which cadre can be defined and refined. As Minister Huey P. Newton quotes his Mother’s preacher, “A certain amount of suffering is good for the soul.”
Our response to our critics and the community alike is that we not only unite with the writings of Chairman Mao Tse Tung in “Combating Liberalism”; but also that of “No investigation, no right to speak.” The matter of our former Minister of Information has been and remains under ongoing investigation. Being that we have defined ourselves as an organization that serves the people, a definition which the people have and continue to hold us accountable to, we feel that at this point in time, we not only have a right to, but in fact an obligation to speak.
For the record, the following shall be the first official statement/position that I have entered in regards to this said matter.
Upon my release from the Illinois prisons (concentration camps) 9/14/2001, I committed to the position of not being “rehabilitated”, but that of recharged. On the inside, there were so many times that I had kissed the casket, tangoed with torture, and danced with death. In fact many of my letters to my daughter from the infamous Menard in which I was held in 1999, and Chairman Fred Sr. was held in 1969, those said letters to my 10 year old child, after review resembled last will and testament as opposed to a correspondence from a father to his daughter. I came out with a commitment to not let one minute, one moment slip by. I felt as though I should’ve been dead and was simply riding off fumes… a feeling that I still possess.
A Year Ago
It should be noted that this particular POCC/BPPC position paper is being provided to the people at approximately one year to the date that the former Minister of Information JR Valrey technically defected from the organizational structure of the POCC. Technically, in regards to blatant disregard and outright infringement of organizational policies and practices, practically speaking JR Valrey’s practices have long before August – September of 2010 divorced him from the POCC as well as, that of the entity in which this said organization serves The People.
The delayed summation from our organization concerning a contradiction that has garnered attention from within the progressive community and the people in general has been due in part to a number of reasons ranging from The Cubs commitment to keep our eyes on the prize. In other words, not relieving our forces or letting up one bit on our relentless demand in the fight to Free ‘em All! In essence, in the fight for self-determination not to cease or, be side tracked. Another purpose was to allow this contradiction to sit for a second to see what flies attract. That is to say, what was initially viewed as an internal contradiction actually aided in providing a classroom within the community at large. Valrey’s actions which occurred and wreaked havoc on an international scale shinned light and exposed weaknesses, liberalism, those that chose to align with subjective cliques as opposed to organizational principle. Not only amongst our forces, but that of other organizations and individuals alike. As the old adage goes, “ain’t nothing all bad and nothing all good.”
The Valrey contradiction, aside from sabotage, destruction and disunity being left in its aftermath has also provided the basis for furthering principle coalitions amongst forces from various walks of life. It has also increased the need for actual discussions within our movements. I might add, in a practical fashion this situation was that of a number of intellectuals whom presented themselves to be practitioners, many of whom take pride in their ability to quote the dates; collaborators; incidents that were initially mistakenly summed up as coincidences in regards to the United States COINTELPRO that dismantled such organizations as the Black Panther Party; seasoned troops whom had personal testimonies and an ability to provide political summations in cases of political prisoners, opportunistic forces, victims of sugar coated bullets, crack coated bullets, as well as that of a barrage of bullets blazing directly out of the barrel of a pigs gun; forces that regard themselves as being able to distinguish a revolutionary from that of a revolutionary act… somehow saw or see nothing strange to say the least with the situation at hand. Yet I’ve witnessed forces from the community who admittedly are novices and/or possess no ability to articulate the sentiments of struggle, point out and recognize the reactionary antics practiced by JR Valrey.
The Draft
With feet fresh on the ground from being unleashed, I felt as I do today, that I need to be engaged in the struggle for I fear my fate absent the fight for freedom. In the similar spirit of that in which was assessed by the late Field Marshall George L. Jackson in regard to his fears of what were to be of him were it not for the Black Panther Party. Out of the camps, re-establishing relationships with membership whom remained intact, I meticulously moved to reach for potential fellow representatives that would be positive additions in pushing forward with the mission of the POCC. Locally, what was to later be our international base, Chicago, Illinois membership and staff were being consolidated. Upon receiving notice that I was to be a presenter at an event that was to be convened in Boston, Mass, after a review of fellow presenters, and others that were to be associated with the event in one way or another, after recognizing the names of forces whose resumes were already under review, the opportunity to seize the time was sought to address and request their participation within the POCC. Some of those that were inducted at this convening were as follows: Kamel Bell, the son of Political Prisoner Herman Bell, was slated for Chief of Staff; M-1, Mutulu Olugbala and Stic-Man, Khnum Olugbala, whom were more notably recognized as the hip hop duo of dead prez, were slated for the positions of Minister of Culture and Minister of Health respectively. On or about the same time of the Boston event, other positions were being secured locally as well as nationally. Minister of Education, brother Marcus of the Frontline periodical; Shukura Sentwalli, Minister of Finance; brother Nkrumah in the position of Field Marshall; JR Valrey in that of Minister of Information. Some of the forces I had direct interaction with. Then there were those whom I had come to relate with indirectly. As in the case of JR whom was brought to my attention via third party.
In my updates back to those that remained behind enemy lines (prison), it was expressed that in attempts to correlate the work from within the camps to the outside community to the best of our ability, the correspondences and communication between those locked up and those out in the field shall remain intact. Although the work in reference to the prisons was to be an integral segment of our work, we were not to be limited or defined as a prison activist organization, but that of a revolutionary organization. We related to the statement of Malcolm X, “America itself represents prison.” We also relate to the statement of Minister Huey P. Newton, “prison is a microcosm of the outside community.”
During ensuing discussions with some of the forces whom I looked forward to working with as well as, some that I had encountered prior to, in a limited capacity within the International Campaign to Free Fred Hampton Jr., there were those that I was to engage for the first time. In the initial meeting, it was acknowledged that amongst those whom were to be inducted as well as those whom were already members, a number of contradictions ranging from experience or lack thereof, class and ideological to name a few. However, it was stressed that we should initially focus on points of unity surrounding the contradictions around US Prisons/Political Prisoners, since this was viewed as a phenomenon that forces from various walks of life could unite with addressing whether it be for subjective reasons or that of objective points of unity. Within literally minutes of an informal POCC pact to move forward with addressing this pressing issue within our community, armed with this position of points of unity, JR, in what was initially viewed as an innocuous inquiry and later to be determined as one of his initial divisive strikes within the POCC. This blow came in the form of a caustic question directed at forces whom had just been designated to the Central Committee. A force whom Valrey was aware possessed a different position than I as well as, a few others in the room, regarding the land question in relation to African people within the United States of America. After several hours of being side tracked this debate taook dominance over what had been earlier assessed as moving forward with principle points of unity. In efforts of damage control, the conversation was corralled back to concepts and ideas which could be united upon at the time being. Prior to leaving Boston, aside from the initiation of the process of consolidating several forces whom were in Boston as well as, those located elsewhere, were concerns regarding JR. Those concerns ranged from his rash responses to his subjective journalistic style. Even to the point that some potential POCC forces stated that their decision of membership depended upon whether or not JR was to be a member or not. Some saw no possibility of working with him in any regards or any fashion.
I took into account their concerns, yet sought some sort of political analysis as to a basis of denial of entry of an individual as belligerent as JR Valrey, to an opportunity to play a part in an organizational vehicle driven to serve the people. At that time I possessed none.
POCC/BPPC Pride in the Politics
The long lineage in the struggle for self- determination that has been and continues to be waged by African people in particular, not only in the confines of North America but that throughout the world, serves as examples and prototypes for the POCC in our respective fight for today. Utilizing the philosophical tool of dialectical materialism, we do not view ourselves as being trapped in a time capsule nor stagnated in a particular stage of the struggle, for we are cognizant that the parasitical politic of imperialism advances its tactics as in the case that some of its strategies become outdated. The essence of its nature and economy remain the same, which is that of a politic and economy birthed, bred, and based off the blood, sweat, tears and years of African people in particular and all oppressed people in general. Through wedding theory and practice we engage the people and wage struggle. As internationalists, we internalize our politics, as well as wear it with pride. That has enabled us to weather the storms in Africa and throughout the Diaspora. It has allowed us to expose the Monsanto Corporations endangering the lives of our people in the Quilimbos of Brazil; to the Shell Oil industries in Ireland, to the conflicts in El Salvador. A politic that allows us to unite around points of unity without compromising our principles, as well as to win other forces to unite with the fight in addressing pressing campaigns that effect our communities, i.e., Prisoners, Police Terrorism, denial of opportunities and resources, etc.
Though Valrey was instrumental in the documentation of many of the local and international campaigns, from interviews with some of our most heralded political prisoners to the families of victims of police terrorism, the campaigning for media rights in El Salvador and abroad, his contributions came at a hefty cost. Our position was/is to arm membership with the politics and that it be worn with a pride. In order to ward off antics by the state and its representatives, i.e., police, media, etc., to not succumb to reactionary race bait tactics, and to not go for the sugar coated bullets of neocolonialism or state sanctioned spokespersons to name a few. We are careful to distinguish pride from arrogance and dogma. A contradiction that Valrey continuously engaged in.
International Impact
Valrey’s disposition in Brazil earned him the moniker from the community as that of “the American tourist.” This was not a classification that was designated to everyone with a U.S. passport, but to those that displayed the American arrogance whether it be through a Gringo or Negro. A colossal campaign that was being taken on in Brazil under the leadership of the Chairwoman for that respective region was that of the contradictions of the police terrorism in proximity of the favelas and the community in general. The favelas are the literal ‘hoods and ghettos within Brazil. They are literal dwellings within - from what the naked eye may view as simply mountains. When attempting to facilitate dialogue with some of the organizations and crews, we encountered issues ranging from language barriers to some factions having similar acronyms to the POCC, possessing an antagonistic history with opposing organizations. However, with the dedicated work of our Chairwoman, her local staff, membership, and our Ambassador of International Affairs, we were able to broker opportunities for dialogue. In the case of one of the most historic moves, we began on what could be considered the ground level at approximately 12:00 midnight. Then after a “screening” would be taken to another level. At approximately 6:00 a.m. we approached what I felt was the top level. The masses of people were coming from throughout each direction as if a big event were just about to occur. Surrounded by the young armed sentries, piercing throughout the middle of their guard, approached who was clearly leadership. At the precise timing of he and I about to properly greet each other, JR walks right in between us, looks down with a snarl and remarks, “I’m ready to go!” In a desperate attempt to dissolve this evidently planned distraction, I spoke under my breath to some of our local forces there and requested that they take our brother Minister to the side for a second for a cigarette break or something of the sort to calm his nerves. The previously stated were the type of tactics that Valrey was infamous for whether it be with the Native American coalitions, the sites in Ireland, El Salvador, Haiti, or as in the case of although he had defected from the POCC…the contradictions that he engaged in while in Libya with the coincidental timing of just mere week(s) prior to conflict that involved international contradictions and ramifications within that country, that the world at present is still witnessing.
The Circumventing of Structure
In our line of work and in our lives in general we expect contradictions to occur. However, we position that structure identifies state contradictions and ceases a lot of trivial contradictions. Valrey consistently not only continuously engaged in circumventing structure but would invest time and energy in bolstering others to break the line. Every policy that came from Central Committee including the ones that he personally called for, he violated and encouraged others to do so as well. From the policies of memorizing the African Pledge, political education classes, to the donning of uniforms at designated events, to one of the ones he personally implemented of which was that forces must engage in periodical POCC check ins with staff members. One of the early observances of Valrey’s modus operandi was inciting others, or that which came to be known amongst forces as, “Minister putting the cables on them.”
Early on, a concern in specific that was brought to my attention was Valrey’s ability to constantly section off cliques. No sooner had this been brought up as well as whom or what type of profiles to look for when he would form these cliques, Valrey pushed right through the starter gate with the designated individual all parties concerned started to look out for. Rashida was designated as Deputy Chair for California POCC in which Valrey immediately dubbed the respective area and soon to be clique with his personally picked term of endearment. Once he set his scope he struck with an unrelenting vengeance. Utilizing every apparatus to his advantage, from clique members, to time allotted on the airwaves, to the exploitation of shortcomings, deficiencies, etc., of his intended targets. If a force had any openings or sentiments that they were/are unable to govern; or they were not politically savvy enough to respond or withstand, JR assailed. He was bound to send his clique in, one way or another, utilizing his camera as a scope and his microphone as a missile; or to blow smoke at you in one way or another. In fact, a common saying throughout the Bay area was that you could identify who JR was cool with or who he planned to exploit by who had their photos in the BayView newspaper.
An early example of Valrey’s clique clashing with POCC policy was the approximately 2004-2005 dead prez concert. It was planned to implement the Code of Culture, by addressing some of the campaigns during the performances. In plain sight, the Chair for the West Coast - Rashida launched into a tirade at a young lady by the stage entrance, in which Minister JR is clearly seen encouraging. After several requests to fellow Central Committee reps for JR to assist in quelling the situation, iwhich was only being escalated, a directive was issued to all forces involved to stand down. The Chairwoman went on into a tirade in which her volume actually competed with the performances on stage with their microphones on. At a later date during a hearing for the charge of insubordination, it was revealed that the young lady, whom the California Chairperson felt must be addressed at the concert, was that of an individual by the name of Shimyah, who happened to be the target of a JR article/attack approximately months prior to the incident in question. In fact, it was this article that was brought to my attention previously in regards to JR’s usage of the media for his virulent vengeance. An action of twenty-five (25) push ups was determined for the local Chair and fifty (50) for the Minister of Information. I was not to see the then local Chair for California for several years thereafter, for the exception of one time briefly at a court appearance for Valrey and then in New York for a birthday celebration for Malcolm Shabazz. From time to time, committee members would inquire from Valrey as to the whereabouts of Rashida. His response always was that he had no knowledge of her whereabouts. Suddenly, out of the blue without any encouraging Valrey spurts out that Rashida left because she had to do twenty-five push-ups. I inquired as to why this was never brought up before and what his position was. His reply was that he didn’t understand what or why she left.
Throughout the country in respective chapters and local branches, Valrey would neglect his Central Committee position in order to override suspensions, leave of absences, etc., that local forces were subjected to for whatever infraction may have occurred. Even after forces would unite with criticism and decisions rendered to address the contradictions, Valrey would immediately “put the cables” on comrades in order to devalue the issue at hand as some sort of subjective position by POCC cadre. Valrey would then prompt himself as the respective force’s “savior” or “friend.”
Valrey possesses the skills to seduce a sheep to enter a bullfight, which in some cases may prove and has proven to work in the people’s interest. For we are cognizant of the fact that the morale of the masses has been so beat down that in some cases a “charge up in character” is productive. However, JR without any organizational guidelines and/or accountability can and has proven to be a recipe for destruction. His lack of principle, combined with an individual with an apolitical position or one that aligns with that of Valrey, most likely ends up as a minus for the movement as well as, the individual in question. In other words, if his potential prospect is naïve or has nefarious intent, they are to be left open to do themselves in, or to be devoured.
Organizational Positions vs. Personal Interests
Valrey was very rarely designated to the field. On such occasions, due to a lack of forces or attempts to implement flexible tasks amongst forces would his field designation be allowed, in which his actions immediately proved to be detrimental. For the most part, due to his disposition, his productivity within the POCC was evidenced with his press potential. Valrey’s insensitivity and disregard for the masses were witnessed as soon as he came into contact with the community. Instances include but were not limited to one campaign in particular regarding a woman on the Southside of Chicago, IL who had just lost her son in a case of police terrorism. Without even an introduction, Valrey cut into her with a caustic line of questioning in which she literally thought that he was a representative of the F.O.P. (Fraternal Order of Police) or, some other similar arm of the state. A simple inquiry that was part of the POCC PI (Peoples Investigation) process would quickly become a dosage of dogma delivered from JR to his intended target that they were not to forget.
It was therefore recognized that it was more productive that JR’s initial drive, his aspirations, be some how utilized as a benefit for the betterment of the people. His early aspirations were to be a child actor, having being bitten by the Hollywood bug early on in several film roles. In addition, his aspirations of being a syndicated journalist was recognized and taken into account. He was most productive coming from across the airwaves or via computer correspondence. In a sense, we sought out means in which JR’s purpose and passion for the microphone and camera would be able to benefit the black and other oppressed communities throughout the world. Without compromising our politics or principles, the tactic implemented was acknowledged from the very beginning as being one that must be monitored closely. We understood that this was to be a balancing act between the POCC’s interest in serving the people and that of the bourgeoisie interest of JR Valrey. In other words, if the time comes in which the cons outweigh the pros, don’t hesitate to let it go. Which brings us back to the discussion at hand. In Valrey’s own words he’s been trained in the best of the institutions that the state has to offer. In particular, that of the media. Being a mass organization, comprised of those from whom it may be considered coming from the valley, we saw it strategic and advantageous to that which Minister Huey P. Newton assessed as to “take the bourgeoisie skills and make them work in the interest of the masses.”
However, as time went on, we saw our organization and our people becoming victims to that which is referred to in Africa as the brain drain. In essence, taking the people's talents, testimonies, trials and tribulations and benefitting the bourgeoisie, at the expense of the masses of people in case after case, example after example. The media exposure of various campaigns by Valrey were utilized to mobilize not the people, but that of an arsenal of tools to be used to secure his respective position on various radio talk shows and periodicals that present themselves as progressive. In fact JR has racked up a resume of antagonistic struggles with other media personalities. Struggles that were not prompted by a principled position, but which were raised in order to garner his spot/slot over the airwaves and behind the desk.
Codes, Campaigns, Coalitions and Contradictions
With our ever developing study of the people, the community and conditions, we are continuously engaging innovative tactics and strategies in order to win the people to points of unity. Some of our most noted maneuvers tapping into the hearts and minds of the masses have been the Code campaigns, i.e., Harriet Tubman Code, Code of Conduct, Code of Culture, Educational Ethic, etc. Each of these said codes, as well as our work in general was/is to be infused with our political line. For without wedding the theory with the practice, we fear running the risk of fomenting dubious distinctions between that of theft from liberating, defense from violence, the victim from the criminal, reactionaryism from revolution. JR’s disunity with the politics was witnessed in case after case and code after code. A mantra for the POCC Code of Culture is that “There are too many of us in Sing Sing (New York Prison/Concentration Camp), for cats to just be talking about Bling! Bling!” This is to say not that of viewing the artists as the vanguard, but that of providing a place in which they may utilize their talents to assist in the fight to heighten the conscious level within the communities. JR viewed this said code as well as, the others as everything but what they were to be implemented for. From his viewpoint they were mere opportunities and situations to place people in situations to subsequently self destruct. The actions of Valrey were not limited to that of the outside community. In fact, his callous acts included that of cutting at the POCC umbilical cord, striking right at the heart of our birth place…the prisons, the concentration camps. He orchestrated bogus correspondences to several Political Prisoners stating that at the direction of Chairman Fred Jr. their campaigns were to be abandoned. This tactic was not only to disconnect us from our captive counterparts, but to also give the impression that the procedure of POCC engaging and/or disengaging a campaign is solely based on the decision or position of one person. A fraudulent position that flies in the face of our history and practice of democratic centralism. Prior to, during and post the tenure of the U.S. aggression waged against Viet Nam, aside from the countless number of military bombs dropped, there were also those that were dispensed out of the Machiavellian American propaganda machine. Amongst the tactics that were employed by the J. Edgar Hoovers of journalism was that of straight out slander and lies. Then there were those of precision strategic strikes that required U.S. journalists to simply change one (1) word, and one word only. Such as that of replacing “victims” with the term “bodies”, which would effect the way the respective reader was able to take in the information at hand.
This vital information along with other data and examples were continuously provided to JR. in attempts to win him to understand the detrimental possibilities of his one word conversions amid other contradictions. However, at any time if JR was expressing some forms of principled unity, he would swing from an unexpected area with a blind punch. In most instances even articulating that he is clear of the organization’s position or that he recognizes how the people may view a particular move. But, he feels this way and is not concerned as to how anyone views his writings, actions, etc. Early on, during an annual POCC Convention, in which many of those that were initially drafted for the Central Committee were still intact, a major topic that consumed much of the time was how everyone for the exception of Valrey saw as a contradiction or at least not strategically placed, photos of dead Iraqi infants as a result of U.S. attacks via depleted uranium weapons, placed side by side with photos of models for a fashion show that JR was promoting on the back cover of the SF BayView newspaper. For his defense he utilized his historic reactionary tactic of forcing most forces into absolutes, spouting such sentiments as “well, the ‘hood wants to also see the models”, etc. I initially watched carefully as he cornered comrades into feeling that their only option was that of an either/or response. Either approve this Minister JR’s morbid model mixture of propaganda or be defined as being disconnected from the ‘hood. I subsequently intervened with a summation of that it was not a question of a judgment of the model photos, but that of position, context, timing, and the placing of the photos. This opened the door for other political discussion with other POCC forces. However, with Minister JR’s closing statement being well “this is how I see it and this is how I do it.”
In 2010, a book was released in reference to the life and assassination of Chairman Fred Hampton in which the POCC, members of the Black Panther Party, those that participated in the struggle for self determination in the 1960’s, and people in general, did and still possess principled political issues with the author’s account of conditions, climate, and campaigns in regards to one of the communities most courageous charismatic representatives of the Black Power movement of the 1960’s. During the promotion of the book there were those from various venues that participated in panel discussions, movie showings, book readings, radio interviews, etc. In one radio interview in 2010 on a DC station, Valrey came on and called out some well known contradictions. However, in his closing attributed these contradictions to the wrong person. Lynn French had recently appeared on a panel at Howard University, in which the book in question was the topic of discussion. In order that I place this contradiction in its complete context, I must interject a poignant point. That being, many people are in the know and it is an understood fact that the U.S. government via the Chicago Police Department assassinated Deputy Chairman Fred Hampton (age 21) and Defense Captain Mark Clark (age 22) on December 4, 1969 at approximately 4:35 a.m. on the Westside of Chicago, Il. What is not as extensively communicated is the fact that there were those that benefitted off of the blood of December 4th, those that maintained relationships in one way or another with one of the main agent provocateurs whom was placed in the Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther Party, William O’Neal. One of the well known points in Panther history, whether it be by those whom were to later engage in corporate America, or those that are held captive within the prisons and exist in the ghettos of America, was that of the infamous late 1970’s business venture/gas station purchase between former Party members and post exposed agent provocateur William O’Neal. Again Valrey as well as many others were/are aware of this contradiction as well as those involved. However, on this occasion during this radio interview JR happened to have one of his mishaps of facts. When he threw out the business venture/gas station purchase contradiction and incorrectly interjected Lynn French’s name as a person involved with that contradiction. When it was brought to our Central Committee’s attention, I repeatedly requested from our Ministry of Information a copy of the interview that I have yet to hear. When inquiring as to what did and did not occur, what was not a point of contention was that Minister JR did in fact incorrectly implicate Lynn French into that scenario.
When I attempted to sum up to JR the seriousness of incorrectly interjecting individuals into such scenarios, again his process of intake and releasing absolutes became ever so much apparent. His inquiry was “do we agree with the book or not?” I responded that “our politics protected me from being forced into these absolute arenas that I’ve witnessed you maneuver so many into.” Regardless of our political and/or ideological opposition that we may possess in regards to various forces, we do have rules of engagement and as Malcolm X stated that if we do make mistakes, we make them out of sincerity.
Abuse of Power
In several instances within our infrastructure, when forces raised issues in regards to the Minister of Information, JR they were at times to be rinsed away as reactionary responses to his reactionaryism, or dismissed due to an inability to objectively define what the actual infraction consisted of. An example of a case/contradiction that was brought to our attention at a later date, of Valrey incorrectly wielding his weight as a member of the Central Committee went as follows:
JR himself drew the eerie correlation between the District Attorney’s statement to the African youth whom were to become known to the world as the Jena 6, in which the DA stated to his captive audience of African youth out of Louisiana “That with one stroke of my pen I could change their entire lives.” Valrey relayed to a subordinate staff member that he could rid this respective force from the organization with one move: a falsehood that the politically equipped forces amongst the troops did not go for, being that they were aware of hearings and procedures for departure and/or dismissal that the POCC has in place.
The Art of Defection
Let the record reflect that former Minister of Information JR Valrey’s position of no longer representing the POCC was no result of expulsion, suspension, or of the sort. This is not to say that either of these actions would not have been warranted. However, there were concerted efforts and actions taken by Valrey in order to conscientiously defect from the POCC. In review of Valery’s conduct, it has been made clear that the desired results include and were not limited to the struggle in general suffering severe setbacks; in addition, the POCC was to be left discombobulated and in shambles, at minimum.
On or around the date of August 31, 2010 I received no further communication from Valrey in which viewed in isolation from the other series of events that were to later be exposed - appeared to be odd. However, after initiations of PI’s, critical analysis, and placing contradictions into context, the recipe for ruin that JR was brewing became ever so clear. Periodic POCC check-ins were actually a policy that was implemented by then Central Committee representative Minister JR. A policy for which in the past he had brought members/former members up on charges if they were not in compliance. Along with the lack of updates, status checks on campaigns, etc. from Valrey, I continuously received countless numbers of calls from throughout the country…calls inquiring as to the status of the POCC and in particular the latest tour that was to be taken on. That particular tour was designated the “LEGACY Tour” and was to include Malcolm Shabazz, the grandson of Malcolm X (El Hajj Malik El Shabazz). The subsequent sabotage of this tour, as it had been initially structured, was to be one of the most graphic depictions expressed to not only the POCC but the people in general regarding the part that JR Valrey and others were to play in attempting to further the stage for the final plans of the POCC.
After a number of calls from comrades and the community in general raising concerns as to “splits”, contending tours, etc., I attempted to contact Valrey only to receive a voice message that his phone number was inactive. In addition, on a daily basis it was being relayed directly as well as, indirectly to a number of our forces that JR had obtained a new phone number and he specifically designated that it not be provided to Chairman Fred. Prior to this, with the initiation date set for the LEGACY Tour to coincide with the annual Chairman Fred Streetz Party, August 30, 2010, JR ran interference with such matters of arranging travel for Malcolm Shabazz to arrive in Chicago, IL to the point that I had on one occasion articulated to JR that I/we had never experienced the amount of hindrances that he was presenting even from a manager of these typical superstar rappers/entertainers. After being sent through a barrage of bureaucratic red tape and run around that would rival a Chicago City Hall session, we were finally able to secure travel for Malcolm Shabazz and Minister JR to Chicago, IL. Due to previous infractions committed by Valrey and analysis of the roles of those that were to partake in the said tour, we attempted to implement guidelines to at least limit the wayward actions of Valrey and his willing/unwilling, conscious and/or naïve allies. Previous infractions include the July 2010 interview that Valrey conducted with Malcolm Shabazz on Block Report Radio, a formerly utilized media apparatus of the POCC. In many arenas it is a pretty much given that if the interviewee with Valrey is not solidly grounded in their position, JR would pose his questions in an antagonistic fashion in order to push his particular position whatever it happens to be at that respective time.
At the time of the said interview, it was being discussed through much of the social media about the recent “release” of the individual who admitted his role in the assassination of Malcolm X on February 21, 1965. Initially Valrey inquired as to if Malcolm Shabazz was aware of the fact that Thomas Hagan had been released. He then proceeded to ask Malcolm Shabazz what would be his position if he were to come into contact with Hagan. Malcolm Shabazz’s initial response was that he would have further questions. Valrey’s style included that of strategically striking at soft spots; emotions, egos, complexes, etc. Like an automatic lock and load JR retorted “Oh, you’re a better man than me.”
I immediately called California requesting that JR proceed with caution. I expressed to him that he take into account that all the state simply needed was the stage to make certain moves. That the same system that utilized Thomas Hagan in 1965 would turn its barrels on this mercenary and as in so many cases, make a clean get away with someone else being seen as the triggerman - a position that initially Valrey attempted to dismiss, then hesitatingly stated that he united with.
Fast forward, back to Chicago, IL, on or about the date of August 28, 2010. In one of the many attempts to arrange interviews, speaking engagements, etc. in order to promote the LEGACY Tour, we were continuously witnessing the outright sabotage that JR implemented and fostered in order that the credibility of the tour and the organization be compromised. A prearranged interview was set for a local radio station WGBX 1570 AM on the south side of Chicago. After close to an hour past the time for arrival at the radio station had lapsed, I attempted to contact JR a number of times in order to see what was the hold-up with Malcolm Shabazz being present for the interview. These attempts were to no avail. I then enlisted local branch forces to assist in the process of getting Shabazz to the interview. Finally JR and Malcolm Shabazz arrived at the station. Valrey entered with an air of arrogance that quickly dominated the mood of the entire area. With his only response being that they had to take time to chill.
Initially the interview was proceeding productively. Suddenly when one of the interviewers mentioned that he had met with minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, JR jumped up and squared off with an individual whom was simply sitting inside of the interview booth observing the broadcast. The individual whom remained seated looked perplexed as well as others in the booth as to why/how JR changed the entire moderation of the show to be antagonistic without he himself saying a single word. I motioned to JR to ease back and found myself not only engaging an interview, but doing damage control for the variety of Don King darts that were being shot by Valrey. At the conclusion of the interview, I saw the need to convene a brief sum up and overview of the purpose and productivity of the interview. I spoke of the pros of the move to politicize the people and publicize the tour. When the allotted time for Valrey’s input came, he stated that he believes that we were set up and in fact ambushed. I differed with JR’s summation, and pointed out the points of productivity of the interview and also that at no point was it expressed to us prior during or after the interview any sentiments of disrespect or of us being in harms way. I went on to add that I in fact am an adamant pusher of one of the POCC’s policies which is “No respect, No rap…which is to say that our organization refuses to engage in coalitions, networking, dialogue, etc. if the same amount of respect that is allotted is not reciprocated. Furthermore, I pointed out to Valrey that what he stated and the manner in which he positioned it, in particular with a novice force present, gave the impression that I would naively take the forces into perilous terrain or intentionally place them in harms way. Actions in which I pointed out were contradictory to my work history. I went on to inquire from Minister JR if he in fact had ever actually witnessed an ambush, for I was curious as to his frame of reference to apply such a term to a scenario that possessed no such characteristic. He was unable to provide any response.
Taking into account that in regards to the City of Chicago, although it is not near to what it once was, it’s past as well as some symbolism of it today has etched its way into the hearts and minds of people throughout the world as that of a city with structure. With that said, it was decided to incorporate one of our most utilized campaigns, the POCC Triple ‘S’ (Straight Streetz Sessions), which was a campaign that positioned that if we can’t get them on the streets to come to the meetings, take the meetings to them on the streets. After receiving information that several of the Street Tribes were gathering throughout the city, we implemented communications and made moves in order that the LEGACY Tour at minimum make a brief stop through. These gatherings were to occur throughout the ghettos of Chicago. On an initial stop, just as I proceeded to introduce Malcolm Shabazz to a few major forces from the streets, in what appeared to be a close case of déjà vous from the prior favela, Brazil experience, JR abruptly interrupts stating that he has to use the washroom. My initial sentiments were shock, to say the least that Valrey would pull such a similar stunt as that of years prior in the favelas of Brazil. After overcoming the initial shock I quickly re-strategized in order to assess what could be salvaged from this attempt to sabotage this momentous move.
Years prior to myself, JR Valrey, and other representatives of the POCC actually coming into contact with Malcolm Shabazz, we had taken an organizational position that contradictions aside, we should at least extend the courtesy of the One (1) prisoner, One (1) contact campaign to the grandson of Malcolm X whom was being held captive in the New York concentration camps. Amongst other points included in my position of support was the fact that during the period of my incarceration, there were a number of forces that not only abandoned me, but made a concerted effort that I, nor the campaign waged for my freedom receive any support…a position that the state was all too willing to exploit; a position that regardless of what respective prisoner, I requested that the POCC proceed prudently.
Upon receipt of a communiqué that Malcolm Shabazz had been released, our official position was that of open arms. Neither that of pushing or promoting that he engage in progressive actions, nor hindering any attempts if he chose to do so. In respect of his rights to self determination, again we simply stated open arms. There was however, a note of concern brought to the Committee’s attention, when we received word that such forces as state defined hip hop mogul and people recognized state made man Russel Simmons was dispatching overtures out to Shabazz. In what we viewed as a political preemptive strike, we simply stated to Simmons that do as he will with his fraud philanthropy and cushion campaigns via such fronts as PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), Sean Puffy Combs programs, Hip Hop Summits, etc. However we would not sit back idly when the state set it’s sights on such legacies as that of Malcolm X. Whether the attempted hijacking be directly from Uncle Sam himself or via one of his designated hit men.
Soon after Malcolm Shabazz reached out to us, it was agreed upon to implement the LEGACY Tour in which Shabazz united with being a participant. With every precautionary concern that was pointed out before hand, JR backtracked and surgically scalped at every potential opening. After wreaking havoc throughout the Midwest tour designated stops, Valrey’s destructive actions were to only continue throughout the country, and abroad.
Approximately September 2010 in New York, New York with full knowledge that the Coalition to Free long held political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal had a scheduled event, which the international representative for the campaign Pam Africa amongst others were to be brought in to provide updates and ways to further mobilize around the case, and cases of other Political Prisoners as well as the work in general was to be discussed. JR diligently put in work to organize a contending event that was to occur at the same time and same city that the already planned Mumia Abu Jamal/Political Prisoners event was to happen. The contending event was to provide another of the many viewings of what was listed as a film entitled “Operation Small Axe” which has been dubbed throughout many arenas as the “JR movie” being that although it’s initial purpose of the documentary was to garner support for the case of Oscar Grant whom was executed by the Oakland, Ca BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) Pig Johannes Merselee January 1, 2009. All creative control and credit from the film’s initial producer Adimu Madyun was stolen and suddenly allotted to JR Valrey. The Grant family as well as, the countless numbers of organizers that responded to the internationally publicized case of Oscar Grant quickly became witness to what was to be a propaganda piece used to expose one of the countless cases of police terrorism throughout the U.S., became a self promotional product for JR Valrey. Along with the film showing for the planned contending event, Valrey requested from the potential host that the flier list the presenters as follows: Minister of Information of the POCC JR and Chairman of the POCC Malcolm Shabazz.
On every occasion in which we attempted to set a tour date, we were met with such responses from possible facilators as “We have been informed by Minister JR that he is doing his thing with Malcolm Shabazz and that the Chairman is doing his thing with Malcolm Shabazz.” These actions combined with scenarios in which I along with Shabazz were to conduct interviews, although he and I would have prior dialogue in some cases mere minutes prior to the set broadcast, I would find myself solo, struggling not to focus on deflecting any discussions of “divisions” as opposed to coming in with a clarity of pushing the politics of the tour. I’ve always positioned that in some instances foreign territory can be far more worse than even that of enemy territory.
In hopes of salvaging what initially possessed the potential of politicizing much of the present day populace, I called out to convene an emergency conference in regards to the tour and it’s respective contradictions. After experiencing a great deal of difficulty with simply obtaining a line of communications with JR, I simply positioned that his actions and direction of actions were not good for lest lone the POCC but also that of the tour as well as the struggle in its general context. In which case it was again made manifest that Valrey possessed no concern for my, nor the POCC’s political interests or well being.
It was during these days and dilemmas in which it further dawned upon us the duplicity of what we were dealing with, I deepened my reflections on past and present tactics that were employed by JR in which he strategically struck at soft spots, in particular with his creating of coteries. There were instances where Valrey would recommend the most apolitical forces for not only membership, but that of immediate staff positions. From Philadelphia to Omaha, from Houston back to the Bay and further, with a nonchalance of no comparison, JR would arbitrarily suggest forces for decision making positions. When asked if his draft picks possessed or potentially possessed any political unity with the POCC, his response would be such statements as “They like hanging out with me.” In fact the reactionary recommendations of JR had become so excessive that outside forces began to dub them as the “JR Cheech & Chong Cliques.”
Exploitation of Deficiencies
As if armed with a psychological profile or diagnosis, JR’s ability to weed out the weak and have it work in his interests, the habits, shortcomings and/or issues of others was something to be noted, a practice that the POCC itself was not immune from. In all humbleness, a dearth of the POCC was the ability to distribute information. In many cases we have paid the price for principally speaking out. We have experienced being banned from black and so called progressive press from Chicago, IL to venues outside the country. This contradiction was something that Valrey was all too willing to take advantage of. Even as we presently address the contradictions of the slanderous statements, malicious destruction, actual articulations to create a “split” within and subsequent defection to say the least by Valrey towards myself and the POCC, there were those amongst our ranks that literally requested liberalism…That we take a position to not defend our integrity nor provide the people with an objective honest analysis of events. Not based upon principle, but as one force positioned, that we, the POCC would not have access to such media outlets as the SanFrancisco BayView, in which I’m proud to say that it was concluded that we would resort to utilizing tin cans and string and go back to the drum in order to get the word out before we compromise our principles for press or anything for that matter.
“Anonymous” Attacks
Forces have assessed that there are a number of reasons for the discussion, or better yet lack of discussion of properly summing up JR Valrey and the tentacles that have sabotaged the struggle in one way or another. Throughout the community, inquiries have ranged from: With the actions of JR, how is it that he is constantly paraded through periodicals that prop themselves as progressive? Why have certain media outlets chose to force feed Valrey to the African community in particular? What entities possess what interest in providing an insidious revisionists history of not only the POCC, but that of the birth and maintaining of such campaigns as the AAT (African Anti-Terrorism) Bill? In the face of documented facts, the work invested, and all involved respective résumés in regards to the Aaron Patterson case. While simultaneously respecting the rights of self determination of how the designated person/prisoner him/herself designates how their campaigns are to be waged. What is it that encourages Valrey to attempt to place the cables on and exploit the case/conditions of Aaron Patterson, as was done in such scenarios as Askari X, Yusuf Bey IV, Malcolm Shabazz, Oscar Grant, and countless numbers of others. What entity could provide JR Valrey the confidence to straight out fabricate, “place the cables on”, and work in concert with such entities as the “anonymous” face book page of agent files via facebook; “Arsha Jones (Arsha Belton)” (http://www/ (,) which have been respectively exposed to serve in the primary interest of the state. NB Proceed with caution, for it has been reported that the website contains viruses.
These said propaganda machines have distributed slander under such terms as “The unveiling of Fred Hampton Jr.”, that harkens back to the days of the infamous COINTELPRO Uncle Sam letters of the 1960’s that were distributed to the Black Stone Rangers and other organizations from “anonymous” fronts claiming to come from the Black community, in efforts of creating antagonistic conditions for the Black Panther Party. One piece of state propaganda posted through “you tube” via the “anonymous agent files went so far as to crop photos and place in the context of a parody the government’s plans for my demise, with the words, “Fred is dead.”
Get Yo’ Hand out my pocket! (July 26th, 2011 Incident
One of the most graphic depictions of Valrey’s manipulative moves was displayed on the evening of July 26, 2011 at a venue in Oakland, Ca in which I along with a number of other panelists convened. The said panel was scheduled to address updates surrounding the Oscar Grant campaign , and the state wide California Prison hunger strike in response to the draconian SHU (Special Housing Unit) conditions, in particular. Within approximately ½ hour into the event, JR was reported to have been circling the venue in a vehicle occupied with four to five additional passengers. Valrey made no initial entrance and in fact was proceeded by that of a number of individuals including that of the former Chairwoman of the California Chapter, Rashida. Simultaneously the entrance of Valrey with the precision of a detonator switch Ronald Elder Freeman spirals out in front of the stage in a stewed stupor shouting “What is going on between you Chairman Fred and JR?!” “I was told that we could discuss what is going on with you all!” etc… Although some in the audience were confused and at most saw this as some sort of sideshow shenanigans, I saw this as a possible deeper scenario, and proceeded with prudence to only provide a limited response that “JR does not represent the POCC”…nothing more. Obviously confused that I did not lock on to the lure, Elder Freeman finally faded off into the corner of the stage area reduced to being held up by the wall and a low murmur. At the conclusion of the venue, an impromptu summation was called for which included a number of forces from the audience, myself and Elder Freeman. When a question was directed to Freeman from one of the forces as to who or what gave him the impression that the venue was organized to discuss issues pertaining to Chairman Fred and JR, Freeman responded , “JR”. I then intervened and asked Elder Freeman how or whom had gotten him to the event. His reply was “JR.” I then closed with a final inquiry from Freeman being “Who purchased the drink prior to you all’s arrival tonight?” I could possess nothing but pity as if in concert, Elder Freeman’s eyes rolled back and head bowed forward and in the same murmuring tone which he had displayed moments prior, he said “JR.”
I flashed back to years prior to an initial meeting of Ronald Elder Freeman in which JR informed me of the contradiction concerning why Elder Freeman had been banned from many of the community events. JR stated that after being publicly inebriated and engaging in a relationship dispute at a Free Mumia event on March 7, 2003 with 3,000 plus participants, and that this was not the first incident of the sort. I could then only ponder to as how many pawns whose profile JR had possessed and then utilized against them.
In the interest of clarity, I feel it warranted that it be acknowledged as well as distinguished that of Ronald Elder Freeman and Roland Freeman, both of the famed Freeman Brothers were respective members of the Los Angeles Chapter of the Black Panther Party. Roland Freeman whom I maintain a love and respect for, as well as it should be, acknowledged that I as well maintain a love for Ronald Elder Freemen for he as well as to that of their contributions to the struggle, for I possess no ill will against Elder Freeman nor any of those that may have been unconscious pawns throughout this process.
However, I would be remiss to negate to mention that throughout the duration of this said contradiction, it has been a bitter pill when taking into account a number of the reactions of some of those that I thought I knew, as well as those that I thought knew me. Tupac pointed out that when faced with some of the most slanderous allegations and charges, what was most difficult for him was that those he thought he knew best and they him either abandoned him, aligned up, or validated the volley of attacks hurled towards him. Amongst the purposes of my/our politics is that it has and does serve as a sort of garlic to ward off certain elements. I recall a situation that occurred in a concentration camp by the name of Big Muddy River that was located in southern Illinois, which the captives referred to as Big Bloody River.
The prison administration had implemented a number of measures in order to halt the organizing and politicizing efforts of the POCC, ranging from cutting off communications, to the utilization of agent provocateurs, to assassination attempts. One of the most noted moves that they had attempted was the 1994 distribution of propaganda bogustly accredited to the POCC , stating that Chairman Fred Jr. issued an official call to the African prison population to engage in outright attacks against the white prisoners. The response from even the most reactionary of the white nationalists including that of the AB (Aryan Brotherhood) was that the said propaganda in no way near mirrored Chairman Fred Jr.’s nor the POCC’s style. This was to say that regardless of how antagonistic or adversarial a contradiction or a climate may have possibly been, whether it be adversary or ally, there were simply certain actions that were not allowed to be attributed to the POCC.
Several years ago there was the widely publicized scenario in which a documented agent provocateur slandered my name. This was another instance in which I observed who and what respective positions were taken.
I must add that amongst my many life lessons that I took in during my elementary education, which I must state in the interest of full disclosure, in the spirit of the valley as opposed to the mountain top.
In the words of Malcolm, the essence of my education of America was learned through its ghettos and prisons. I obtained the ability to decipher and/or intake information, taking into context its source, vested interest, etc. Our colonized communities in some sense served as classrooms. For as so many youth in particular have experienced the routine/ritual in which the pigs would take individuals into the police station, separate the respective captives, and then shortly thereafter the “good cop” comes in one interview room, then states that his partner the “bad cop” had extracted a full confession implicating the prisoner in the initial interview room as the guilty culprit. At that time the gullible prisoner soon to be witness responds with a reactionary testimony against the fellow captive.
Questions and concerns have been continuously brought to our attention. As to the cargo of chaotic behavior that JR Valrey transports throughout the country and abroad. Although as previously stated there have been those who have requested that we deal with these contradictions with liberalism. However, for all practical purposes, the people have requested that the POCC provide some summation as to these errant actions.
As a servant of the people as well as that of history, I recognize the importance of providing an objective summation. In struggle, idealism can be a double edged sword, for it may benefit in battle when we are as in often times going against all odds. To over indulge in it we may dismiss contradictions with dire circumstances that happen to be right up under our noses in plain sight. In retrospect, it should be acknowledged with an objective look back that many reactionary, opportunistic, adventuristic, and even provocateur actions were dismissed due to the blurred images of the romanticism of black leather jackets and berets, a contradiction that the modern day Black cats (POCC/BPPC) are not exempt from with hitting the streets, and being faced with a sight for sore eyes of that of the leather jackets, dark shades and Black Apple hats. However, we must remain reality based and keep cognizant that the stakes are high. By no means do we attempt to imply that this is the first time that the POCC has experienced contradictions and definitely shall not be the last. There is an old adage that goes “more money more problems.” But being that we are and have been so financially strapped, that we can not relate with such sentiments, but we do say more progress, more problems. Therefore, within the protracted struggle for self determination these things and more will happen.
Throughout this process I’ve gained, maintained as well as lost respect for a number of forces. I’ve bitten my tongue to the point of “Blood in my mouth.” I’ve respected the restraints that were requested from my own respective Central Committee. With restraints lifted, I submit to the communities in which we serve what has been referred to in some arenas as a Cub cleansing of sort. Forward with the Fight to Free ‘Em All! ...Straight ahead with the struggle for Self Determination!
Chairman Fred Hampton Jr. POCC/BPPC

The Great Grandchildren of Garvey, offspring of Malcolm, and the ideological Cubs of Panthers – POCC/BPPC
Prisoners Of Conscience Committee/Black Panther Party Cubs
A favela is the generally used term for a shanty town in Brazil. In the late 18the century, the first settlements were called barrios africanos (African neighborhoods). Source: Wikipedia.