Prisoners Of Conscience Committee (POCC/BPPC)
"We are not a prison activist organization. We are a revolutionary organization." -Chairman Fred Hampton,Jr.
Prisoners Of Conscience Committee

The Prisoners of Conscience Committee Founded by Chairman Fred Hampton, Jr. during the nine years he spent in prison in the 1990's.
Saturday, March 23, 2024
Saturday, May 7, 2022
The Mother Ode - by Chairman Fred Jr.
The Mother Ode’
You think I forgot?
Well, I think not!
From the Pyramids to the plantation
Through the sharecropping and segregation.
To the Ole’ Earth from her seed Yes, indeed you carried me.
In Africa I rode your back
On the plantation a potato sack.
Whatever the case you held me tight.
Kept me close those winter nights. (whisper)
Matriarchs and Mothers and Queens and Nannies.
Big Mamas and Dear Mamas, Geronimos and grannies.
Healers of sickness who addressed the business.
Wasn’t no need for traveling, homemade healthcare!
From common colds, to frequent flus to champion of childbearin’.
Continuously connected through this cold hard system.
When my cries were denied you were the only one listening.
I didn’t play no dissin’ Mama when playing the dozens
For it wouldn’t be no me if she wouldn’t of gave Daddy no lovin’
Through the hard times and struggles, discomforts and pains.
The cold nights, beans and rice, mayo jars with kool-aid.
Yeah, I did my share of stupid stunts, fuck ups and cutting up in the class.
You showed TOUGH LOVE and had no hang ups about tapping that ass.
And with those high times we had in my mind remains.
First days of school and surprise birthdays.
They’ve been trying to divide us in hectic times throughout the history
From masta’ selling me off ‘till today with Baby ‘T’.
You’ve produced pyramids, taught tribes and gave names to Nations.
You are not only my mother but the Mother of Civilization.
Those are your children in Kenya and the descendants in Dominica.
You’ve breastfed me in Botswana.
And kept me clothed in Ghana.
Whenever they beat me down, you told me “Son stand up!”
You said all men fall down but great Men get up.
When they came and framed me, and placed me behind these walls.
You knew the business, prison visits and collect phone calls.
From the womb to the tomb, from the belly to the grave.
Through four inch glass, prison blues and shackles and chains.
I love you dearly, miss you really.
And that ain’t never gon’ change.
©May 14, 1998 Chairman Fred Hampton Jr.
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Saturday, February 19, 2022
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
Silent Auction and (IRD) International Revolutionary Day
Contact: Chairman Fred Hampton Jr.
Phone: 773-256-9451
(Chicago, Illinois) – On Friday, December 3, 2021, from 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM a silent auction will be held at the Kehrein Center of the Arts located at 5628 West Washington Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois. This fundraiser is in support of The Save The Hampton House Campaign, and artists from various states will contribute artwork for the auction. Save The Hampton House is a campaign led by Chairman Fred Hampton’s widow Akua Njeri, formerly known as Deborah Johnson, and his son, Chairman Fred Jr., to turn Chairman Fred’s childhood home into a historic landmark and community center where visitors would learn about the legacy of the Black Panther Party and inspire future leaders in the movement. Tickets for the Silent Auction may be purchased at: Please visit for additional information. All donations can be made to Save The Hampton House, Inc. and are tax-deductible.
On Saturday, December 4th the annual International Revolutionary Day (IRD) commemorating the life of Chairman Fred Hampton of the Illinois Chapter Black Panther Party, will begin at 12:00 noon at 2337 West Chairman Fred Hampton Way, formally known as Monroe and Western, with a silent vigil, speakers, solidarity statements, and the POCC/BPPC Youth Troops.
The Massacre on Monroe left in its aftermath, the assassination of twenty-one-year-old Chairman Fred Hampton and twenty-two-year-old Defense Captain Mark Clark. As it was in life, it remains in legacy; the attack on the struggle for self-determination was deemed the number one threat to the internal security of the country by former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.
Survivors of the 1969, Monroe Massacre will be convened.
How was the Black Panther Party the number one threat to the internal security of the country? By providing the first nationwide Free Breakfast programs. By providing Free Medical Clinics. Or, by providing information to better communities of poor people nationwide?
At 4:00 PM on Saturday December 4, 2021, the Cook County Board President, and other Commissioners will deliver a proclamation in honor of Chairman Fred Hampton at the Chairman Fred Hampton Aquatic Center: 300 Oak St, Maywood, IL 60153.
For Additional Information Contact:
Dr. Njeri Cruse – 646-732-0183 or
Benjamin Henning – 612-836-3715